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How we can help:

  • Determine if a premarital or postmarital agreement is appropriate for your marriage
  • Facilitate open conversations about how you and your partner plan to manage money during your marriage and divide assets if you divorce
  • Create agreements that address issues important to you and your partner, including wealth, children, assets, and debt

What’s in a Premarital Agreement?

A premarital agreement is a contract between partners before they get married that outlines how a couple will divide their assets and responsibilities if they divorce. The details include maintenance or spousal support, wealth, personal property, businesses and debt. A post-marital agreement serves the same purpose, but is created after a couple marries.

Not sure if you need a premarital agreement?

Not every couple feels they need a premarital agreement, but it is a good idea to learn about how one would apply to your marriage, so you can make an informed decision. For example, if one partner is considerably wealthier than the other, owns a business, has debt, or will inherit family property, it would be wise to discuss how these scenarios might be handled in the future. These conversations offer value even if you choose not to create a premarital agreement.

We’ll help you figure it out

Want our advice? Schedule a consultation and we can discuss what might be the best plan for your marriage.